Flexible Integration with Magento

You may connect your Magento to your accounts using McLedger and automatically synchronise information such as customers, products, sales, and invoices.
You must build shopping experiences that represent your brand's distinctiveness. Magento Commerce, the configurable commerce platform built for you, will delight your consumers and increase your earnings. When a customer puts an order, the system checks to see if the information has previously been entered in a database; if it has, the system will update the information; if not, the system will add this new customer to the customer list. One of the most advanced features of this Magneto Accounting service integration is that it instantly synchronises all data; no time or manual effort is necessary.

Connect with Mcledger and Automate your workflow

Invoicing made easy

McLedger makes it simple to create invoices, as previously said. You can freely customise them to provide professional-looking documents to your customers. As a result of this integration, you will be paid sooner.

Expense management that works

Tracking expenses for most SMEs be time-consuming. With McLedger, this e-commerce integration allows you to reduce the number of manual tracking work, making overall expense management a breeze. With only a few clicks, you can keep track of your expenditures.

Time tracking is built-in

You may now manage the amount of time spent on numerous everyday processes. The integration allows you to bill for completed work.

Collaboration that is open.

If you work on many projects, the integration allows you to retain all of your discussions, files, and feedback in one location. Furthermore, your entire team is always in sync, and all of your tasks are completed on time.

Monitoring Your Earnings

Our addon allows you to easily transfer revenue data from your e-commerce website to McLedger and vice versa. It even updates incomes to your profit and loss statement automatically according to a schedule or when certain circumstances are met for particular integrations.

Mapping of Payment Methods

It's simple to map them, allowing for seamless data transfers between systems. Improved Import & Export allows you to keep track of the many payment methods that your clients prefer in your Magento store.

Mapping of Tax Rates

The Improved Import & Export module allows you to map tax rates from Magento orders to McLedger, ensuring that tax calculations are accurate on both systems.

How to Connect?

Option 1

  • On the Magento Admin sidebar, go to System > Extensions > Integrations.
  • Enter the Name of the integration and the contact Email address tax@mcledger.co